Working with the land, the updated Vision for Tranquille ensures protection of natural features, celebration of its storied history, and renewal of its agricultural heritage.

The Vision includes orchards, vineyards and pastures as part of a valued working landscape, realized through an updated Masterplan. Designed as a community hub, the heritage barns will be renovated for the Tranquille Market Garden + Orchards. Adding to the agricultural value of the Farm, the Masterplan proposes building an artisan winery overlooking Kamloops Lake.

The updated Masterplan allows Tranquille’s legacy to continue through:

  • Nature | Enhancing its unique ecosystems and fostering local stewardship;

  • History | Recognizing Tranquille’s significant people, places and events; and,

  • Farm | Restoring the land’s productivity and further enriching local agriculture.

These images illustrate the farm and natural features celebrated at Tranquille.

The Tranquille lands, located within the City of Kamloops, like all the land in and around Kamloops, is on the unceded territory of the Stk’emlupsemc te Secwepemc Nation.